Tuesday, October 19, 2010

my musings about like, love and other painful experiences.

this is a quick post to get some thoughts down. as i am currently trying to get over a boy, as i have been doing for a few years now, he also just got a (perfect) girlfriend, i realised it's like everyone's life has a plan or a path and i thought mine could be going along and joining with his, but my path and her's collided, and hers won. so their's joined and my path is staggering alongside wondering what's going to be.

to them, i probably havn't crossed their mind, they probably have no idea what's been damaged. but i don't blame them, when things go well for you, why think about who was left behind?

now i'm left wondering if i'll ever find love. and i mean everyone says 'you'll find someone one day' but who's to say that will happen? just coz it sounds good. there is no promise i will find someone. that i will find 'my other half'. maybe i will always be a half, or maybe i'm already a whole.

i'm hurting now.

also today the girls were talking about what their bf's are getting them for the 18'ths or 21st and i got sad that it's too late to have someone special with me for my 18th and i'm really hoping i will for my 21st. now that sounded lame.. i always appear independant and stong. but i would like to be looked after.

getting cliche now.. so i should stop.

ending with some beautiful portraits.


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